Adam - Kheles El Dame'a
Kheles el dam3
Min 3yooni
Wenseet asl el waja3 wel aah
El aah
O laish bkeet
(the tears had fad away from my eyes.. and I forgot the begining of this pain and the suffer.. and forgat what I cried for ! )
dfa3t el taman o shfeet
shu zakkarak fiyi
(I loved you.. and I payed for it so as I healed..
Now whats remanids you in me ? )
kent el dinyi kella
kent el sine kella
kan matra7ak bil bait
ya rait ma fallayt
(you were my world you were my years
your home was with me
I wish you never left.. )
3ayyashtni bkhareef
war2a 3ala el raseef
bakeer nitzakkar
ba2i 3omr aktar
(I lived Autum with you.. and watched the leaves on the ground together
too soon for us to remember now.. we still got entire life)
kent el dinyi kella
kent el sine kella
kan matra7ak bil bait
ya rait ma fallayt
3ayyashtni bkhareef
war2a 3ala el raseef
bakeer nitzakkar
ba2i 3omr aktar
( same as before)
lek roo7 roo7
Allah yesahellak
(Just go..go .. God make your road easy)
Kheles el dam3
Min 3yooni
Wenseet asl el waja3 wel aah
El aah
O laish bkeet
(like before)
dfa3t el taman o shfeet
shu zakkarak fiyi
(same as before)
sra2t el fara7 minni
dam3i 7eki 3anni
min khabarak le2loob
btensa el 2asa o betdoob
(you stole my happines
my teares saied what I felt / my tears spoke intead of me
who told you that hearts forget the pain and repents ! its a lie)
ma t2elli mishta2li
doo2 el waja3 mitli
maktoob o m2addar
insak ana aktar
(dont say you miss me
taste the pain like I did
Its wrotten in the stars.. that I Must forget about you)
sra2t el fara7 minni
dam3i 7eki 3anni
min khabarak le2loob
btensa el 2asa o betdoob
ma t2elli mishta2li
doo2 el waja3 mitli
maktoob o m2addar
insak ana aktar
(like before)
lek roo7 rooo7
Allah yesahellak
same as before
Kheles el dam3
Min 3yooni
Wenseet asl el waja3 wel aah
El aah
O laish bkeet
same as before
dfa3t el taman o shfeet
shu zakkarak fiyi
( same as before)